My prayer for the world…

“Tobias” by Christopher Matthias

My child is almost three years old. They are typical in their development. They are 38 inches tall and close to 40 lbs. They love trains and cars and really big machines that are “too loud.” (Their words, not mine) They love books and will ask for my partner and I to read the same stories over and over until they can finish sentences with us. They love TV and electronics. They love running in circles and jumping in puddles and giving hugs. They love the color purple. If I were asked to describe them in a phrase, I would say that “they love.”

They are concerned about children who are crying. They (sometimes) share their candy, even without being asked. They say “I’m sorry” when they accidentally do something wrong. They are getting better at saying “please” when they want something. They call people “friends.” They are beginning to describe their emotions; and they like to play with words, wrestle, and make silly games of hide and go seek. If I were to describe how they exist in the world, I would say, “They are compassionate.”

Which is why I am so afraid that I, and this world, will break them. Being human, I can be moody, frustrated and selfish. I have inherited systems of racism, misogyny and toxic masculinity. If therapy has taught me anything it is that the unexamined life is filled with a happy ignorance, but the price paid is usually in the pain and suffering of others. I have a choice, be aware of my brokenness so I can mitigate its transmission to my child, or leave him at the mercy of society and media.

When I see my news feed filled with people who hate; who are greedy; who assault; who are the worst parts of humanity, and then see them elected into positions of authority, my instincts tell me to shelter my child to the best of my ability. And my heart breaks knowing that there is nothing I can do to stop their being broken, little by little, as they get older. Which is why my partner and I have made the decision not hide things from our child; but to try and hold everything in their life in context. There is an art to being “age appropriate” and we want to err on the side of transparency. Topics like “sex” and “god” are not off limits (regardless of our own hangups on the subjects). Feelings are encouraged, not stuffed away. There are no off limits toys, colors, or clothing as long as they are enjoyed in playful and loving ways. The only things in our house that are not tolerated without being challenged are “hate” and “supremacy” and “ignorance.”

My example to my child will not be “how to be a strong man” but “how to be a better human.” That to have power and privilege means being a servant leader. That to live simply and with happiness means giving a damn about others and not just themselves. That what matters isn’t the color of skin but the content of character. That listening is better than talking. That the greatest rule is to treat others as they would like to be treated. That if they are not part of the solution they are part of the problem.

I refuse to let the systems that have come before me break my child. They will know the definitions of evil by example: prejudice and bigotry, selfishness and narcissism. And they will know the definitions of good; love and compassion, vulnerability and empathy. If parents cannot help but put our hopes and dreams into our children, at least I can hope for peace and dream of a better future. In this way, my child is my prayer for the world made incarnate. I hope it is a joy for them and not a burden.

I will tear down your false god…

For this people’s heart has grown dull, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes; so that they might not look with their eyes, and listen with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn—and I would heal them. ~Matthew 13:15 (NRSV)

Safe PlaceWe could use some serious healing right now. It’s no longer months between mass shootings, but weeks. And before the blood of children and elders has dried on the church pews come the thoughts and prayers. All truly sorry for this tragedy. All shocked at the senseless violence. All empty; meaningless; worthless.

Because the only god listening is the god of the gun. The rest of the gods are silent because they have said their peace: Thou Shall Not Kill. Love thy enemy. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. What god would still listen to thoughts and prayers of the same people are unwilling to beat their guns into plowshares? The country has made up its mind and chosen the name of the destroyer. America would rather see its children slaughtered than give up its precious right to bear arms.

I have no more patience for your platitudes and empty arguments. If you have hardened your heart toward the reality that the only thing all these tragedies have in common are “men” and “guns” than the blood of innocents is on your hands too. And you will be judged by god or by history as being complicit in mass murder. I mark you all Cain; the blood in the Earth cries out!

I will not stand idly by as you perpetuate a country of death for my child to live in, lest he be your next human sacrifice. I will tear down your false idol. I will strip you of your weapons of death. I will make it so that children can once again be safe in their schools. Safe for people to gather in song and dance. Safe for people to congregate in prayer and worship.

I am convinced the only way to do this is by making it increasingly hard to own a gun. It will require registration. Background checks. Yearly mental health reviews. Limits on ammunition. Serial numbers. Litigation and liability for sellers of guns and for owners of guns. Buyback programs. Mass destruction of all unregistered and unaccounted weapons. So… much… more.


It will take years. Perhaps decades. It is possible; so many other countries have done this. All of this and more is worth the life of one child. One mother. One father. One friend. One human being. I will not wait for gods or angels or answered prayers; I choose now. Those of you who read these words, you have a choice too. Continue to worship your god of death or open your heart and turn away from your guns. Your time is coming to an end.

There is no room anymore for those who serve two masters.